Friday, October 23, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Birth of a Lens

Ever wonder how your camera lens is made? Check this video out over at Canon. Pretty cool. I like the giant tray of molten glass. Hard to believe they get such good lenses from such rough beginnings.

Drobo Update

Well my Drobo has been up and running for a few weeks now. I wish I hade more to say other than it just works. It takes care of everything for you.

I installed the 2 1Tb drives that it came with, pretty strait forward. The software that comes with it instructs you to format the drives. This went pretty quick. Then you are ready to go. That’s it. I than went and made sure that I had my photos and my Lightroom catalog backed up on my old drives. Once that was verified I went into Lightroom and chose the option “Export as Catalog” and let it do its thing. This took some time! I do not have firewire 800 on this computer so everything has to go through a USB connection. Next computer will have to have the firewire, they say it’s pretty quick. Once the catalog was exported I just showed Lightroom where the new catalog was and it made that catalog the main working catalog and all was done. Man I love it when things work!!!

The Drobo is constantly backing up my data with out me having to do anything. With the 2 1Tb drives installed it actually shows up and just under 1Tb. It uses the other drive as a back up. If I installed other drives it would similarly break them up to have working and backup spaces. So I’m back in business and feeling better about my photos not disappearing. Now I have to work out an off sight backup plan. I will let you know what I come up with.